Friday, December 30, 2011

All kinds of news good and bad

Hey guys got some news for you. My computer broke but i'm in the middle of building a new one that will be much better anyway. I'll try posting pictures of it in the building stages when I can for the people that care....which i guess it won't be that many lol. Also in computer news I got the latest humble bundle which is amazing. I plan on doing let's plays for most of them but some of the games don't lend themselves well to lps. Also in the last post i told you guys that my Roxio Game Capture broke.....stupid piece of crap..... but a good thing came out of it I am now getting a better capture card I think I might even do a unboxing for it. I think that's all the news i have for you guys. so for your viewing pleasure i will post some of my music videos that haven't been posted here. hope you guys enjoy i'm out.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Videos and bad news:(

Bad news guys my Roxio game capture decided to break on me. I have a backlog of videos of the lets plays that I am doing but once those run out those are going to be done till further notice. That doesn't mean that lets plays have to stop though I do finally have a working pc screen recorder that I like. So just thought I would tell you guys that and I am also thinking about doing a web comic maybe just to be able to continue putting stuff on this blog. Hope you guys have a happy holidays. I'm out.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Channel Update!!!

Hey guys this also a channel update telling guys where we are at and I ask you guys some questions. Like what is a free chatroom service thing you would like to see added to the website same with a free forum. I ask you what free screen recording software there is but i think i got that cover recently. I also ask what game you would like to next for a solo lp on that list were: 1. Kirby superstar (SNES) 2.Super Mario Sluggers(WII) 3. Custom Robo(Gamecube) 4.DeathSpank (PS3). The vote will be on a sidebar.

Monday, December 12, 2011

New episodes are out!!!!and news

Also some news I read to day Activision is releasing Tony Hawk HD. That sounds amazing. So far whats been told(or at least what I have read) is that school and one of the other popular "courses" are going to be on it from the first two games. This will be amazing as long as they put the music from those two games back in there again. It was these games that got me into ska music and hip hop. Only bad thing about this is that they are only doing a digital release:(. I will still probably end up getting it though. Hope you guys enjoy the episodes as always leave comments,likes and everything else. I'm out.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Here are the next episodes of all the lps. Hope you guys like them.Write in the comments about what you guys think of them and if you have any suggestions write those down to.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Here!!!!!!!!

Hey guys i finally got the chance to put up the new Let's play. Go check it out here
Hope you guys like it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


Ok guys Aaron and I were finally able to do a coop let's play. Im goin to leave it as a suprise about what it is. Be sure to check it out.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The video is out!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Here is the first video. Tell me what you guys think.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sly cooper let's play coming soon

Hey guys and girls whats up. I have started doing a let's play of the 1st sly cooper game. It should be uploaded tommorow i will also post the video here. Hope you guys will enjoy it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I have all of the hardware and software issues mostly worked out. Now we just have to actually make the videos.

P.s oh yeah i haven't even told you guys what site it is going to be on it will be on youtube on this channel

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

new LPers

This is going to be a new blog for my friend and I's let's plays amongst other videos. Im working on the final hardware and software issues and we should have videos published shortly. Thanks for watching.