Saturday, June 30, 2012

Awesome Things Coming Up

Hey guys what is up have some awesome news for you guys. I finally started another solo let's play you guys will just have to wait until Shank is fully up. I also talked a long time ago about doing indie let's plays and then it went no where....but I finally started it you will have to stay tuned to see what it is though. I have a couple of coop let's plays going on to that i'm getting uploaded and then all the random gaming with friends i have been doing lately. The above video is a example of that. I played Ace of Spades with Lcron awesome guy you should go check out his videos. They are a lot crazier than mine though so you have been warned? Also the game is awesome and it is free so you should go download it and play it. It is a lot like minecraft and battlefield. I think that is it for right now. There are other updates that I have but I need to put up videos to be able to tell you guys about them. So until then i'm out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Finally Shank is Done (Almost)

I have one more video for this series and I will have finished my first solo Let's Play. But from now on I don't think i'm going to do them by myself anymore.I will just be doing them when I livestream so I can talk to you guys about them game and other stuff. Also finally got borderlands started back up. And me and Aaron have  another game almost finished and I will be putting up soon. He also has some videos on his channel finally. We some what have his software issues fixed. So stay tuned for more videos.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Music Wednesday!!!!!!

Awesome summer song you guys should go check out. Also look out for some videos from me been working with a lot of people lately.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Go like this page please!!!!!!! I would like to see another Timesplitters. The video is gameplay footage of the 3rd one. Very awesome game if any of last years consoles you should go pick it up. Also sorry about not posting as much just haven't been in the mood but I feel rested and everything now. So tomorrow there should be a music post. I'm out.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Livestream and other news

Hey guys what's up. Hopefully going to have a livestream this Friday.My channel. All of the last stream is up on Youtube.I will have a music post tomorrow so look out for that. I might post my progress of Codecademy tomorrow also. You can post your progress in the comments below. Have a lot of funny videos coming soon so stay tuned. And i think that is all of the news I have so with that i'm out. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Good Livestream Was Good

The livestream went Pretty well considering it was more of a test. Will be having one this coming Friday again hopefully with more people.