Saturday, December 15, 2012

League of Legends 3v3 Tournament

Hey guys this is going to be short. I'm trying to set up a 3v3 tournament for fun the Sign ups are right there. No requirements it is just for fun.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Planetside 2 and other things

So guys there is a Planetside 2 double xp weekend going on so it would be awesome to see you guys on the battlefield. Also just released a bunch of videos for you guys to watch yay!! Also lookout for one more update video this weekend for it has a cool website you should go check out. And that's all I have so until next time I'm out.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Hey guys it's been forever since i've been here and now i'm back. News you probably would like some, I have a Pokemon Quartz Let's Play going and also I'm doing the dlc story for Duke Nukem Forever. Both Are going pretty well recording wise really fun to play. Also been doing a lot of indie games again like Little Legends and one more that I haven't released yet but I'm sure you guys will like.Also my newest videos now music intros now yay!!!! I am getting ready to start a outfit for Planetside 2 if anybody wants to join go to the  Steam group page and tell me. Its probably going to be with the NC unless we vote for something else. I think that's it if there is anything else I will make another post but till then have fun and good luck!